A study on the usage and relevance of mobile wallets in India in COVID-19 pandemic
Cashless payment, digital payment, mobile wallet, payment appsAbstract
Purpose: The use of mobile wallets in India was on a rise from the past few years on account of its various advantages such as ease of use, simplicity, convenience, and cost-effectiveness. However, it was during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, that the usage of mobile wallets increased drastically. People who were hesitant in using e-wallets till then saw no choice but to switch their mode of payment due to quarantine restrictions placed across the nation. Customers who converted to e-wallets during this time saw its advantages first hand and now are reluctant to go back to their previous modes of payment, primarily cash. This research paper studies the reasons for the increasing popularity and use of mobile payment apps in India during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and whether this surge will continue to sustain even after the pandemic. Research Methodology: The three most popular payment apps used in India, namely, Google Pay, PhonePe, and Paytm are considered for this study. The population of the research study are users of mobile wallets in India. The researchers have chosen “Convenience Sampling Method” to collect the relevant data by circulating the questionnaire link through social media to receive responses. A sample of 120 responses have been selected and analyzed for the research study. Findings: The results of the study revealed that, since 2020, people have
been increasing their usage of mobile wallets significantly and will continue to do so in the future. Implications: The results clearly indicated that the usage of mobile wallets will continue to sustain even after the COVID-19 pandemic, although new techniques will need to be designed and deployed to keep this surge going. Originality: The research is based on a self-formulated methodology. All the references are duly cited and all the information are collected by the researchers on their own.
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