Work-family balance and employee performance in Nepalese commercial banks


  • Sushma Paudel Freelance Researcher, Nepal
  • Arhan Sthapit Professor, Faculty of Management and Law, Nepal Open University, Nepal


Flexi-time, HR performance, job sharing, leave policy, telework/telecommuting, work-family balance, work-life balance


Purpose: The paper aims at examining the impact of work-family balance (WFB) practices on HR performance
in Nepalese commercial banks – private and foreign joint venture banks. Methodology: The study was based on a
survey administered from April to June of 2019 on 252 supervisory bank employees selected through a simple random
sampling technique from five commercial banks, and garnered 240 usable (posting a success rate of above 95%). It
made use of a descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA test, multicollinearity test, and correlation and linear regression
analyses. Findings: The regression analyses churned out the results that WFB practice – measured in terms of flexitime, job sharing, telework/telecommuting, and leave policy – significantly impacted HR performance in Nepalese
commercial banks. Implications: The study findings imply that organizations should properly manage work-family
balance of their human resources to help improve their performance that would ultimately help the organizations
achieve their goals. Originality: The originality of this study lies in the fact that there is an extreme paucity of WFB
studies in Nepal; and even those few studies probed, not into the impact of WFB on HR performance in commercial
banks, but into relationship with HR engagement, career success, and job satisfaction in non-banking organizations


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How to Cite

Sushma Paudel, & Arhan Sthapit. (2021). Work-family balance and employee performance in Nepalese commercial banks. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 12(1), 33–43. Retrieved from


