Utilization of Information Technology of Negros Oriental State University towards Total Quality Management


  • Ildefe T. Villanueva Department of Business Administration College of Business Administration Negros Oriental State University Negros Oriental, Philippines.


Information Technology, TQM, IT Utilization, Technology, Quality, NORSU


This study aimed to identify the extent with which Information Technology (IT), used to support Total Quality Management (TQM) at Negros Oriental State University (NORSU), and the effect of IT in implementing TQM.

The study used the descriptive correlation method which utilized the questionnaire in determining the IT utilization on TQM Implementation at NORSU.  The findings indicated that majority of the respondents were in their early adulthood and were male-dominated. Majority of the respondents were college students who were from the College of Business Administration and staff from the different campuses.

The findings also revealed that IT resources in the institution were mostly used in all aspects of NORSU operation.  On the other hand, the extent of IT usage on the eight (8) dimensions of TQM showed that IT was intensively used in almost all of the dimensions of TQM.

Findings further showed significant relationship in the usage of IT resources and the eight (8) dimensions of TQM.  Thus, the utilization of IT had an impact on the dimensions and applications of TQM. IT was found to support TQM in the operation of the institution. Recommendations were on the utilization of IT on TQM in business strategies to improve the quality performance of NORSU employees.


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How to Cite

Ildefe T. Villanueva. (2018). Utilization of Information Technology of Negros Oriental State University towards Total Quality Management. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 9(3), 50–65. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/120


