Importance of Standardization in Minimizing Cross-cultural Miscommunication


  • Richard Sagor Mitra Department of Business and Commerce, Spicer Adventist University, Spicer Adventist University Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Adaptation, cross-cultural communication, globalization, organizational culture, standardization


Purpose: Most of the conflicts at both personal and professional life arise due to miscommunication. Cultural
differences are one among many such reasons. This article aims to understand and emphasis on the importance of
standardization as a method to minimize, if not overcome, cross-cultural miscommunications, especially in business.
Methodology: This research looks into the existing literature on standardization, communication, and cross-cultural
communications to establish a relation among these aspects, no primary data collection was done for this research.
Findings: The finds of the article suggest that standardization and adaptation are the two main keys, among others,
to minimize cross-cultural miscommunication. Implication: When people know what is expected of them, they
are less likely to do otherwise, unless they desire to create conflict. Setting of standards also tells people what to
expect and what to not expect from the other party. Originality: Many researches have been conducted in the field
of communication and cross-cultural communication, where various challenges have been identified and ways to
overcome have also been proposed. However, that is said about communication in general. Communication happens
through products, services, and even organizational cultures when businesses interact globally. This paper identifies
that aspect in organizational cross-cultural communication and proposes possible solution to it


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How to Cite

Richard Sagor Mitra. (2021). Importance of Standardization in Minimizing Cross-cultural Miscommunication. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 11(3), 01–07. Retrieved from


