Aligning Service Characteristics: A Review on Similarities of Services and Goods


  • K.Senthil Department of Management Studies Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology Karur Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Dr.N.Panchantham Prof & Head, Department of Business Administration Annamalai University Chidambaram, India.


Service Marketing, Service Characteristics, Services & Goods Differences


 Marketing is an activity that identifies the needs of the consumer and providing goods or services by the manufacturers to the consumer for satisfying the needs of the consumers.  The goods are set of attributes that are satisfying the consumer needs and basically tangible in nature.  But the services are act or performance done by the service provider to the consumer, by which the consumer enjoy the services and get satisfied their needs. There is a lot of difference between the goods and services more over it was found that the characteristics of the services are considered as base for differentiating goods and services from the various literatures. So lot of Management experts considers that service characteristics are deterministic characteristics of services.  But it is not always true.  In some ways only the service characteristics are considered as a deterministic characteristics but it not always true.  This article is illustrated about how the service characteristics are not considered as deterministic characteristics with lot of exhibits.


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How to Cite

K.Senthil, & Dr.N.Panchantham. (2011). Aligning Service Characteristics: A Review on Similarities of Services and Goods. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2(2), 275–280. Retrieved from


