An Exploratory Study on Water Crises in Delhi: An Analysis of Causes and Remedies


  • Dr. Sachin S. Vernekar Director-BVIMR, ( Bharati Vidyapeeth University Institute of Management & Research), New Delhi, India
  • Lokinder Kumar Tyagi Asstt. Professor, BVIMR, ( Bharati Vidyapeeth University Institute of Management & Research), New Delhi, India


Water Resources, Water Crises, Potable Water, Irrigation Water, Ground water


It is good news to the world that Scientists have detected water on moon while  bad news is also there that human-beings are crying for a drop of water on the earth.   When we think of water, a picture of long queue of people with empty bucket in their hands comes in our mind, especially in summer. This long queue of people for water refers to acute shortage of water and problems being faced by them on this count. The water scarcity hit drastically in the summer because its consumption increases in many folds as due to hot summer season human-being and animals drinks more water and  use more water for bath and washing purposes. The water requirement is increasing day by day while the availability of water resources is reducing day by day.   It is beyond doubt that Water Scarcity is very serious challenge not only for India but for the whole world.  

Like every summer, Delhi is facing alarming water scarcity this summer also.   Residents are facing acute shortage of water, which results into lot of resentment, agitations, dharnas, slogan shouting, amounting to sheer misuse of all kind of resources.   Though as per data, large water resources are available but fact remains that water level in

Delhi NCR is getting down every year.  There are about 4000 tube wells being operated by Delhi Jal Board but about 25-30 per cent of these tube wells are yielding non-potable water.   This paper is an attempt to understand and analyze the reasons of the water scarcity in Delhi.  It also explores the possible ways to manage the water crises in city.  





How to Cite

Dr. Sachin S. Vernekar, & Lokinder Kumar Tyagi. (2011). An Exploratory Study on Water Crises in Delhi: An Analysis of Causes and Remedies. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2(2), 285–293. Retrieved from


