Study Of Service Quality Management With Servqual Model: An Empirical Study of Govt/Ngo’s Eye Hospitals in Haryana


  • Dr. Markanday Ahuja Director, Shri Baba Mast Nath Institute of Management Studies and Research and Charitable Eye Hospital, Rohtak, India
  • Dr. Seema Mahlawat Associate Professor, Shri Baba Mast Nath Institute of Management Studies and Research, Rohtak, India.
  • Dr. Rana Zehra Masood Faculty, Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh, India


Service, Gaps, SERVQUAL, Perceptions, Expectations


Customer satisfaction and service quality are often treated together as functions of customer’s perceptions and expectations. Research has shown that high service quality contributes significantly to customer satisfaction and customer delight. This study empirically explores the relationship between hospital quality management and service quality performance for a sample of patients of eye care hospitals in Haryana. SERVQUAL model has been adopted to encompass various aspects of service quality. The study has been undertaken to demonstrate the Gaps for measuring patient’s perceptions-expectation of eye care services quality in GOVT/NGO’s eye hospitals in Haryana. The purpose of the research paper is to provide review of the SERVQUAL research in measurement of eye care service quality, to obtain information about quality parameters of services provided by GOVT/NGO’s eye hospitals in Haryana & to find out as to how much these parameters rate are as per the expectations of the patients. 


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How to Cite

Dr. Markanday Ahuja, Dr. Seema Mahlawat, & Dr. Rana Zehra Masood. (2011). Study Of Service Quality Management With Servqual Model: An Empirical Study of Govt/Ngo’s Eye Hospitals in Haryana. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2(2), 310–320. Retrieved from


