An Evaluation of Financial Indicators of District Central Cooperative Banks in India
Cooperative Banks, District Central Cooperative Banks, Average Compound Growth Rate, Financial Performance, Owned Funds, Deposits, Advances, Recovery PerformanceAbstract
“Co-operative banks have made significance progress in various important sectors of Indian economy. In India, co-operative banks are engaged in the task of production, processing, marketing and banking in India. District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) are very common and well recognized institutions among co-operative credit institutions. DCCBs provide the necessary financial resources to PACSs and are responsible for their recovery. DCCBs are of two kinds, viz., pure and mixed. They have played significant role in the development of rural economy of India. The present paper explores and evaluates the growth and progress made by all District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) in India. It is found that all the financial variables (capital, reserves, deposits, advances, demand, collection and overdues) increased with higher growth rate during 1995-1999 followed by the phase 1995-2009, 2000-2004 and 2005-2009 respectively on the basic of ACGR. The management of DCCBs and policy makers of these banks should focus on the corporate governance, professionalism, better outlook of branches, various attractive schemes of deposits and speed up the procedure of computerisation etc”
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