Agility in the Factors Effecting the Quality and Safety of Fish Products
Supply chain management, fisheries, temperature, distribution channel, transportation, packaging and grading, quality, safety, agilityAbstract
The consumption of fish by humans worldwide is 77%. The demand and consumption of fresh fish has significantly grown during recent years. The future growth is from aquaculture as the global demand for fish continuous to increase. The supply chain of fish is a network which consists of the fishermen, middlemen, distributors, transporters, storage facilities, suppliers, retailers, delivery and selling the product to the consumer. It is necessary to maintain the quality and safety of fish/fish products till the time of consumption by the consumer. The quality and safety of the fish/ fish products may deteriorate due to variations in temperature, distribution channel, transportation, packaging and grading. The purpose of this paper is to understand the impact of these factors on the quality and safety of the fish/fish products and to propose the implementation of the concept of agility into these factors so that the quality and safety of these products is ensured with minimum losses and wastage.
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