A Study on Smart Phone Usage Pattern – Purpose and Preference among College Students
Smartphones, Socialisation, Smartphone Features, Primary purpose, Usage patternAbstract
Smartphones with android systems are generally used by college students not only for communication but also for learning and socialization. Socialisation through Facebook, Instagarm & Snapchat are often used by students. Tools like Online tutorials, Youtube are extensively used for learning. Entertainment like music apps, movie apps and online television channels are also popular Smartphone features used by the college students. This study highlights the relationship between the variable primary purpose and gender and education of the students. But when it comes to identifying relationship between the primary purpose of phone usage and their opinion, preference and usage pattern, there is a moderate positive relationship. Gender wise there was a difference in using the application of Smart phones. Male students were found to use fitness and beauty apps more than female students. Education wise Science students were inclined towards usage of practical application videos and Commerce students used on line tutorials in order to prepare for their exams. There was a gap between the expression of students in primary purpose and usage pattern. The study has been conducted in Nagpur City and the data was collected from the Undergraduate students studying in Science and Commerce streams.
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