Mapping of Online Shopping behaviour: A Dark Triad Approach
Dark Triad of Personality, Online Shopping Behavior, Demographic Factors, Personality FactorsAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to examine a probable association between personality factors and the online shopping behavior of a consumer. A design of descriptive research is found to be suitable for carrying out the analysis for the framed objectives. A questionnaire with 3 sections is devised, consisting of demographic factors, dark triad of personality, and online shopping behavior. A multi-stage random sampling technique was utilized for the research. The paper focuses on the determination of impact of personality factors with respect to Dark triad in formulating the online shopping behavior of an online consumer. This is in lieu of the correlation of the concepts of Marketing and psychology. The results obtained cannot be generalized for the entire customer segment. The limitations are also possible because of the fact that the analysis is based on the responses obtained on the basis of questionnaire distributed to the respondents. The present study mainly deals with the consumer behavior aspect of an individual. It takes into account the personality of a person in an individual way that affects his/her choices over an online e-commerce platform. Thus, it will result in understanding the needs and preferences of probable customers who are surfing items over online domain. The research will provide insight over the basis of decision making of an online consumer based on his/her individual personality traits which will lead to him/her ordering a product online.
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