Relationship Value – A Study of Various Published Articles
Relationship value, Relationship Marketing, Buyer-Seller Relationships, Value creation, Value driversAbstract
The objective is to present a literature review on topic of relationship value and classify the literature with references. This helps in understanding the growth of knowledge in the field of relationship value. There has been an increase of contribution of research papers during the years and it revealed that, the literature on relationship value has seen an increase for research publications during the years. The findings also help in identification of some gaps for future work in field of relationship value. The literature review was conducted through the online databases which were used for search of literature on relationship value for the entire period which spans till 2016. On the basis of analysis of the content of the literature, the same was classified in four parts, Relationship Marketing, Value and exchange in buyer seller relationship, Relationship value, and future scope of research in relationship value.
This helps in understanding the growth of knowledge in the field of relationship value. The study identifies the work that is done on the topic of relationship value in terms of concept, the definitions/explanations given by the various researchers, models based on their studies, future scope of studies on the topic.
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