Is Job Performance better Attributable to Performance Management System through Work Engagement?
Performance Management System, Work Engagement, Job Performance, Employee Engagement, Performance AppraisalAbstract
Managing performance of employees is a critical task for any organization. In this regard there is more emphasis on performance management and work engagement of the employees in the recent times. Performance management has its own niche in ensuring work engagement, which can in-turn lead to higher job performance. Performance management as a concept and practice has substantive potential to fulfil business demands of an organization by integrating its growth with motivational needs of human resource. The purpose of this paper is to reconnoitre the influence of performance management system (PMS)throughwork engagement on job performance. A total of 58 valid responses, as part of the pilot testare analysed to establish the theoretical robustnessof this study. It is found that PMSisbetter attributable to job performance only when it has a favourable influence on employees work attitude such as work engagement. Hence, PMS interventions have to first have a beneficial influence on employee attitudes like work engagement even before it exercises a significant positive influence on job performance. The study has implications for HR teams to revisit the PMS periodically to incorporate the evolving themes in an organization, wherein employees and organizations co-evolve. Managing performance of employees is a critical task for any organization. In this regard there is more emphasis on performance management and work engagement of the employees in the recent times. Performance management has its own niche in ensuring work engagement, which can in-turn lead to higher job performance. Performance management as a concept and practice has substantive potential to fulfil business demands of an organization by integrating its growth with motivational needs of human resource. The purpose of this paper is to reconnoitre the influence of performance management system (PMS)throughwork engagement on job performance. A total of 58 valid responses, as part of the pilot testare analysed to establish the theoretical robustnessof this study. It is found that PMSisbetter attributable to job performance only when it has a favourable influence on employees work attitude such as work engagement. Hence, PMS interventions have to first have a beneficial influence on employee attitudes like work engagement even before it exercises a significant positive influence on job performance. The study has implications for HR teams to revisit the PMS periodically to incorporate the evolving themes in an organization, wherein employees and organizations co-evolve.
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