Online Website Cues Influencing the Purchase Intention of Generation Z Mediated By Trust
Product presentation, Perceived interactivity, Trust and Generation ZAbstract
The apparel industry has repeatedly faced the problem of the return of products due to the intangibility factor. This intangibility of feel and touch of the product has constantly been attributed to the trust factor. This research endeavor tries to study the influence of online website cues such as Product presentation and Perceived interactivity) whether they have a decisive impact on the purchase intention of generation Z mediated by the trust factor. The paper examines trust as a mediating factor from the gaps of previous literature who fail to consider trust in the light of a consumer behavior perspective, as trust is a vital factor under the given conditions of risk and uncertainty. Online shopping is an activity which involves primary interaction with computers and customers, which acts similar to the concept of having a salesman in a traditional store that influences the purchase intention. Therefore trust needs to acts as the salient salesman in the web world. In the current study, a web-based survey was administered to 2000 sample size equally distributed to male and female respondents who fall into the Generation z classification.Structural equation modeling was performed to analyze the data. Results confirmed that all the necessary cues considered for the study from extensive review have a substantial impact on purchase intention mediated by trust. Therefore, Marketers and decision makers of the online apparel website must cater to the contents of the website as these are important cues which influence the purchase intention of Generation Z.
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