Employee Retention in Public and Private Hospital Settings: An Empirical Study of its Relationship with Participative Climate and Role Performance
Factorial Structure, Healthcare Setups, Employee Retention, Role-Performance, Participative ClimateAbstract
Employee retention is a well-known yet quite neglected phenomenon in the hospitals. An incessant pressure indicated by growing concerns about employee retention has drawn an intensive interest regarding this issue and associated consequences. This converged for the pursuit of exploring and examining the concerned attribute. This study evaluates the perception of hospital employees in public and private sector hospitals and suggests the relationship among employee retention and Participative Climate (PC) and Role-Performance (RP). The study was conducted among 1010 individuals from public and private hospital settings. After the identification of underlying constructs; theory-driven factors were evaluated using correlation analysis. The findings contributed to the understandings of retention as well as to the exploration of some of the enshrouded factors and consequences. Thus, it concludes several implications and suggestions for enriching further insight and inquiry into employee retention in public and private hospitals.
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