Cause-Brand Association and Consumer Attitude: A Review


  • Deepa Rohit Ph.D. Scholar Symbiosis International University (SIU), Lavale, Mulshi, Pune, India. Assistant Professor Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai, India
  • Dr. Rajesh Panda Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (A Constituent of Symbiosis International University, Pune), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Cause-related Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Cause-brand fit, Attitude


A Cause-brand association (CBA) refers to a marketing strategy of associating a brand with a social cause. Such a CBA can be as a result of Cause-related Marketing (CrM), cause promotion, cause advertising or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This paper makes an attempt to review existing literature to explore the role of CBA on attitude formation towards the product and the brand. This paper also tries to understand the various determinants of the attitude formation and to examine their theoretical grounding. The findings of the research suggest that CBA has a positive influence on attitude towards the association, the brand, the company and the cause which in turn enhances purchase intentions. It also  revealed that the cause-brand fit, existing attitude towards brand & cause, level of familiarity of brand and cause, consumer characteristics like gender, self-construal and values, campaign characteristics like donation size, type of cause and duration of a campaign etc. are the important determinants of the attitude in the context of CBA. With a paucity of review papers in the prior literature on CBA; the present study contributes to the body of literature by providing a comprehensive review of an elaborate study of attitude and its determinants with respect to CBA. The paper is beneficial to the future researchers to conduct a quantitative research to validate the determinants. Similarly, it is useful to the marketing practitioners to devise CBA strategies effectively.


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How to Cite

Deepa Rohit, & Dr. Rajesh Panda. (2018). Cause-Brand Association and Consumer Attitude: A Review. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 9(1), 61–71. Retrieved from


