A Review of Dimensions of Tourism Transport Affecting Tourist Satisfaction
transport, tourism, tourist satisfaction, tourists’ use of transport systemAbstract
Transport is an integral part of the tourism industry. Tourism has expanded largely due to the improvement of transportation. Development of tourism in any region depends on development of the transport system. Understanding tourists' use of the transport system at the destination is important for increasing destination competitiveness. The availability and quality of transport at the destination has an influence on tourist experience and overall satisfaction. Tourist satisfaction is considered to be the most important factor in tourism studies, as it plays an important role in attracting and retaining tourists. This paper provides a review of research on transport and tourism. The review indicates that studies in this area have acknowledged the role of transport as a significant variable in tourism development but fails to identify any specific causal relationship between transport system performance at the destination and tourist satisfaction. The aim of this paper is to understand various dimensions of the transport system that influence tourist satisfaction with transportation services, and to identify potential areas for future research. Using a systematic review, the study analyzes accessibility, service quality, perceived value, and destination image as dimensions of the transport system influencing tourist satisfaction.
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