Perspectives on Organizational Learning


  • Krishnan Hariharan Research Scholar, Alliance University Bangalore, India
  • Dr. Vivekanand G Professor, OB & HR, Alliance School of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore, India


Organizational learning, cognitive-behavioural perspective, social-constructive perspective, social-cognitive perspective


The primary objective of this article is to review the literature of organizational learning from different perspectives. These perspective form four different conceptual streams: cognitive, cognitive-behavioural, social constructive, and social cognitive. Of the four perspectives, social cognitive perspective approaches organizational learning in a holistic way connecting cognition, social construction and behaviours. This perspective also explains the process by which organizational learning happens in an organization. Further, this study reveals that social cognitive perspective enriches the domain of organizational learning with substantial empirical contribution.


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How to Cite

Krishnan Hariharan, & Dr. Vivekanand G. (2018). Perspectives on Organizational Learning. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 9(1), 81–86. Retrieved from


