Investors’ Decision towards Commodity Trading: Path Analysis Approach
Commodity Trading, Coimbatore city, Convenience sampling technique, Path AnalysisAbstract
The article tries to find out the investors’ decision towards commodity trading in Coimbatore city. One objective of this study is reached through proper methodology. Sample size was 200 in all obtained through convenience sampling technique in Coimbatore city. Researcher designed questionnaire is with 5 point scale in the continuum of agreeing. Reliability of this tool is 0.75 and 0.95. Path analysis was used for data analysis. The study found that there is influence of attitude and perception on preference. The study found that low relationship between perception and investors’ awareness. Hence, it is suggested that the investor has to discuss about the market condition and performance with the share broker and dealers beyond discussing only with friend to make efficient investment decisions. Hence, it is concluded that the arrangement of commodity market experts and specialist seminar to investors will help to improve investors’ awareness level.
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