Androgyny Academicians and Level of Motivation
Androgyny, flexi time, compressed work week, job sharing and telecommutingAbstract
Androgyny Created by combining the Greek words for man (andros) and woman (gynaika), androgyny describes the blending of male and female characteristics within a single individual. Androgyny has long been embraced by strong women, soft men, members of queer communities, and others who do not easily fit into traditionally defined gender categories. In present research study researchers have conducted an analytical study on professional academicians. While measuring motivation level among sample population on the basis Adapted model of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the hypothesis was made that the level of motivation and need satisfaction would be high among those academic professionals who are maintaining psychologically androgyny personality characteristics. So very first step was taken towards the measurement of psychology androgyny uniqueness by using a standardize BSRI (Bem Sex Role Inventory).
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