Emotional Intelligence Aptitude: An Essential Pillar for Health Service Providers


  • Aasim Mir Assistant Professor, School of Management Studies, BGSB University, Rajouri (J&K), India
  • Dr. Gaurav Sehgal Associate Professor, Central University of Jammu, Jammu (J&K), India


Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence paradigms, Emotional Intelligence Competencies, Emotional Intelligence Competence score


Emotional Intelligence has a critical role to play in the rapid and fast changing services sector. The reason behind this huge transformation is changing attitudes and desires of consumers and enhanced level of competition in the market. Emotional Intelligence paradigms design and implement procedures and techniques through which we can access and manage our own emotions and emotions of others’ surrounding us. It has been believed till today that higher level of Emotional Intelligence helps in enhancing the productivity and efficiency level of workers at work place and even brings harmony in their social patterns. The present study seeks to access the level of Emotional Intelligence of health workers in Rajouri and Poonch districts of Jammu and Kashmir. The study also analyzes the Emotional Intelligence competencies of health workers and differences in emotional intelligence scores of males and females as well. The study further recommends strategies for enhancing the emotional quotient of male and female health workers. The results revealed that both male and female health workers possess some level of Emotional Intelligence score and Emotional Intelligence competence score. The emotional intelligence level of male and female health workers in Rajouri and Poonch districts also differ.


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How to Cite

Aasim Mir, & Dr. Gaurav Sehgal. (2017). Emotional Intelligence Aptitude: An Essential Pillar for Health Service Providers. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 8(2), 109–114. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/212


