Predictors and Characterisation of Mall Shoppers in A Typical Sub – Saharan African Context: Evidence From Nigeria
Predictors, Mall shopping, Consumer behaviour, Nigeria, AfricaAbstract
Shopping malls are consistently reconfiguring the retailing ecology in Nigeria, just like in some other countries in sub-Sahara Africa (SSA), which arguably is affecting the socio-psychology of shoppers. Despite the amazing changes, not much is known about the dynamics operating in terms of predictors and characterisation of shoppers migrating to the new shopping experience. Using this as a point of departure, this paper explores those factors that characterise those who patronise shopping malls among the emerging mall shopping segment in Nigeria. Five hundred and twenty mall shoppers were intercepted and surveyed at the regional Polo Park Shopping Mall in Enugu, Nigeria. Exploratory factor analysis and cluster discriminant analyses were performed on data collected for the study, whereas structural equation modelling technique was utilised to perform confirmatory factor analysis. Findings clearly identified aesthetic and architectural design, escapism, socio-personality transformation, safety, role enactment, quality products, price consciousness, and presence of reputable global retail stores as key predictors of mall shopping. Multiple discriminant analysis shows that aesthetics and architectural design is the most important factor that distinguishes the segment, followed by escapism, and presence of reputable global retail stores. Marketing management and theory implications of the findings were argued.
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