Role Of Human Resources In Mergers & Acquisitions


  • Ekta Arora Assistant Professor, Haryana College of Technology & Management, Kaithal, Haryana, India.


Merger, Acquisition, Strategy, Culture


Many organizations regard mergers & acquisitions as a strategic tool for increasing profitability, gaining market share and developing synergies. From banking to software, insurance to technology, companies have started entering into mergers & acquisitions to become market leaders in their respective industries. This paper discusses about the role of HR professionals in making these deals successful. Many mergers fail to achieve their objectives because HR professionals are either not involved or are involved at a very late stage in merger process. This paper describes about the role of HR  manager as facilitator, educationist, team builder and integrator.


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How to Cite

Ekta Arora. (2010). Role Of Human Resources In Mergers & Acquisitions . Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 1(1), 74–81. Retrieved from


