Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance in Selected Banks in EDO North Senatorial District, Nigeria
Training, Development, Commercial Bank, Employee, PerformanceAbstract
The paper examined the impact of training and development on employee’s performance in organisations. The study adopted survey research design and the population of the study consist of all commercial banks in Edo North Senatorial District, Nigeria. The study was restricted to a selected sample size of 30 respondents drawn from 5 banks in Edo North. A structured questionnaire with a five-point likert scale was used as the instrument of data collection. Two hypotheses formulated for the study were tested using t-test statistics at 0.05 % level of significance. The findings showed that appropriate training and development of banking staff can result in efficient performance of their functions. Based on the findings, the paper recommended that management should define an appropriate training and development programmes for each category of staff who need to be trained and developed.
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