An Assessment of Rizal Technological University’s Cooperative Education Training Program for Bachelor of Science in Office Administration by Cooperating Agencies: Basis for Instruction and Curriculum Enhancement
Cooperative Education Training Program, on-the-job training, Office Administration, curriculum, cooperating agenciesAbstract
The Rizal Technological University has the leading-edge with regards to Cooperative Education in the Philippines. It prepares the student towards a meaningful training and hand’s-on experience in various partner industry of the University. It provides significant work-related experience that could hone the skills of the students and provide the solid foundation towards working in a real world. The Philippine Main Education Highway adopted by the Presidential Task Force for Education 2008 recognizes that a strong linkage between industry and academe shall result into more realistic curricula for various disciplines. The Office Administration Department of the College of Business and Entrepreneurial Technology students are required to undergo Cooperative Education Program which requires them to render 720 hours of meaningful training experience to various business sector linkages of the University. The study aimed to assess Rizal Technological University’s Cooperative Education Training Program for Bachelor of Science in Office Administration in order to determine the expectations of business industries from the student trainees and utilize the data as a basis to improve instruction and curriculum particularly those used for office training.
The study used the descriptive-survey evaluative research design. Seventy-two (72) training coordinators in the different cooperating agencies and industry partners became the respondents of the study. The answers were statistically treated using the frequency, percentage, ranking and weighted mean. It was concluded that actual training, acquisition of more knowledge, developing skills, and exposure to real work situations were found to constitute the great assets of the program.
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