Work Status Effect on Visitors Priorities for Organized Apparel Stores


  • Dr. Ajit Upadhyaya Associate Professor, Prestige Institute of Management & Research,2, Education and Health sector, Scheme 54, Indore (M.P), India
  • Dr. Rajeev K Shukla Professor, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology & Science, Baroli, Sanver Road, Indore (M.P), India


Work Status, Apparel Stores, Visitors Priorities, Multivariate Analysis


Apparel industry is one of the important sectors in manipulating the country’s economy, revenue, trade and Work status generation. The industry has short life cycle, volatile and unpredictable demand, and tremendous product variety with long and inflexible supply process. This study examined the visitors’ priorities and the gender effect for organized apparel stores. Five factors of visitor’s priorities were extracted by factor analysis and 62.5 % of Total Variances explained by extracted 5 factors. These five factors were Peripheral Value Priorities, Pre Purchasing Priorities, Service Priorities, Aesthetics and Retention Priorities, Additional Value Priorities. A two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. Multivariate effect for Work status as an independent factor and Interaction effect of Store and Work status were found to be Insignificant. The study outlines the consumers’ preferential difference and provide an opportunity to organized apparel stores to formulate strategies for consumer retention and attraction. 


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How to Cite

Dr. Ajit Upadhyaya, & Dr. Rajeev K Shukla. (2011). Work Status Effect on Visitors Priorities for Organized Apparel Stores. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2(1), 12–25. Retrieved from


