A Conceptual Development on the Mediating Role of E-Service Recovery on the Relationship between Customer Determinants and Customer Retentions in the Airline Industry in Malaysia (A Structural Equation Modelling Approach)


  • Rafah A. Al – Jader City University of Science and Technology, Malaysia
  • Dr. Ilham Sentosa City University of Science and Technology, Malaysia


E-Trust, Prior Experience, Customer’s Perception of Feedback, E-Loyalty, Digital Awareness, Customer Retention, E-Service Recovery Satisfaction


As Internet become a vital element in everyday life and as the rate of using the e-context as a marketing tool by companies is growing, customer retention becomes an essential element in firm’s survival. Hence, losing customers in e-context is a continuance threat for companies that need to be addressed. The current study is aiming at at examining the effect of five customer determinants, namely; E-Trust, Prior Experience, Customer’s Perception of Feedback, E-Loyalty and Digital Awareness on Customer Retention. In addition, the study will investigate the role of E-Service Recovery Satisfaction (E-SRS) as a mediating variable in these relations in the context of Airline Industry in Malaysia. The data collection tool is a self-administrate questionnaire. The sample is Malaysian passengers who used the faced a service failure during using local Airlines. Structural Equation Modelling is utilized to analyze the collected data.


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How to Cite

Rafah A. Al – Jader, & Dr. Ilham Sentosa. (2021). A Conceptual Development on the Mediating Role of E-Service Recovery on the Relationship between Customer Determinants and Customer Retentions in the Airline Industry in Malaysia (A Structural Equation Modelling Approach). Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 6(1), 98–103. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/260


