A Conceptual Development on the Mediating Role of E-Service Recovery on the Relationship between Customer Determinants and Customer Retentions in the Airline Industry in Malaysia (A Structural Equation Modelling Approach)
E-Trust, Prior Experience, Customer’s Perception of Feedback, E-Loyalty, Digital Awareness, Customer Retention, E-Service Recovery SatisfactionAbstract
As Internet become a vital element in everyday life and as the rate of using the e-context as a marketing tool by companies is growing, customer retention becomes an essential element in firm’s survival. Hence, losing customers in e-context is a continuance threat for companies that need to be addressed. The current study is aiming at at examining the effect of five customer determinants, namely; E-Trust, Prior Experience, Customer’s Perception of Feedback, E-Loyalty and Digital Awareness on Customer Retention. In addition, the study will investigate the role of E-Service Recovery Satisfaction (E-SRS) as a mediating variable in these relations in the context of Airline Industry in Malaysia. The data collection tool is a self-administrate questionnaire. The sample is Malaysian passengers who used the faced a service failure during using local Airlines. Structural Equation Modelling is utilized to analyze the collected data.
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