Moderating Role of Internal Marketing on Brand Equity in a Service Organization


  • Dr. Shashi Singhal Professor Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.


Services organizations, internal marketing, Brand equity, Structural equation modeling


The internal marketing elements for services basically consist of seven elements (product, price, place, promotion, people, processes and physical evidence). The present study includes another element, performance, so as to determine the influence of these eight elements on the brand equity as perceived by customers of car rental companies. Although car rental companies may have a strong brand position, the brand’s successful equity depends on the role the employees play in delivering the service (Wilson, Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler, 2012:249). This research aimed to provide guidance to car rental companies to improve their respective brand equity, enabling them to expand customer bases whilst retaining existing customers through improvement of internal marketing programmes.


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How to Cite

Dr. Shashi Singhal. (2021). Moderating Role of Internal Marketing on Brand Equity in a Service Organization. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 6(2), 20–26. Retrieved from


