Strategic Management and Competitiveness of Organizations in Terms of Unstable and Disturbed Security


  • Goran Vasilevski Assistant Professor, Ministry of Defence of Republic Macedonia, Skopje, R. Macedonia.
  • Lidija Stefanovska Assistant Professor & Head, BAS Institute of management Bitola, Bitola, R. Macedonia.


strategic management, security, unfair competition, organizational intelligence, competitiveness


Armed conflicts, ethnic and religious instability and general decline of security in certain regions represent an obstacle to successful strategic management in an organization, regardless of its size or activity. If we add to this the illegal competition triggered by criminal phenomena that are often present in such an environment, the organization has a serious challenge to maintain and preserve the successful operation during a longer period of time, especially since it is difficult to predict the intensity and duration of the disturbed security environment.

Hence, regardless of the projected organizational strategy that provides the organization to move towards its vision, it is not always possible to predict all the events in a broader context, which could significantly affect the destabilization of the organization and its competitiveness on the market.

Given the fact that the side effects that are present in an unstable and disturbed security significantly burden the budget of the state, they have potential to reduce or completely prevent the successful management and operation of organizations. Therefore, the interest of this paper is aimed precisely at the possibilities for successful strategic management in organizations, in an unstable condition or compromised security in the country or in the wider region.


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How to Cite

Goran Vasilevski, & Lidija Stefanovska. (2021). Strategic Management and Competitiveness of Organizations in Terms of Unstable and Disturbed Security. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 6(2), 36–40. Retrieved from


