Job Stress and Its Effect on Employee Performance in Banking Sector


  • Dr. Tulsee Giri Goswami Asst. Prof Management Central University of Rajasthan, India.


Occupational/Job Stress, Employee Performance, Stress Management


Workplace stress has been shown to have a detrimental effect on the health and wellbeing of employees, as well as a negative impact on workplace productivity and profits. Some of the reasons of occupational stress could be the inability to meet out the demands of the job, mismatch with job profile, job insecurity, relationship with colleagues and other organizational structural factors. In today’s rapid pace scenario employees undergo high level of occupational stress, grater frustration, and have higher job expectations. There are measures that individuals and organizations can take to alleviate the negative impact of stress, or to stop it from arising in the first place. However, employees first need to learn to recognize the signs that indicate they are feeling stressed out, and employers need to be aware of the effects that stress has on their employees’ health as well as on company profits. This paper evaluates empirically the impact of occupational stress on employees’ performance in Banks. For present study, the sample was collected from Banks of major cities of Rajasthan State. Relevant data were collected through structures questionnaire. The Z-test was used to analyze the hypothesis. The result showed that occupational stress brings about subjective effects such as fear, anger and anxiety among employees resulting in poor mental and psychological health. Based on these findings, it was recommended that Banks should reduce psychological strain, job insecurity, and clear role ambiguity, through job redesign. Other support activities such as behavioural and psychological counselling and short term courses on time management and workshop on stress management can be organized.


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How to Cite

Dr. Tulsee Giri Goswami. (2021). Job Stress and Its Effect on Employee Performance in Banking Sector. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 6(2), 51–56. Retrieved from


