Institutional Financing of Tea Industry: A Study in Barak Valley Region of Assam
Institutional finance, tea industry, Barak Valley, SPTF, Tea Board, banksAbstract
The commercial banks have emerged as the key purveyor of industrial credit in the national and state levels including the tea industry. The industrial sector of India is profoundly relying on the banking sector in comparison with other countries. A variety of financial institutions including banks have emerged basically after independence to satisfy the financial requirements of both small and large scale tea producers at national, regional and state levels. There have been several perplexing features of credit flow to the industrial sector in recent years. Hence, the paper is an attempt to analyze the institutional financing of tea industry in Barak Valley of Assam. The study found that the area under study is not maintaining the national pace of credit channelization towards the growth of tea industry. The proportion of bank finance had not been encouraging towards the tea industry during the study period may be due to conservative attitude of banks and Tea Board towards deploying credit.
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