Status of Household Background Characteristics and Their Impacts on Educational Attainments of Children: An Empirical Study on Muslims
Household Background Characteristics, educational attainments, multicollinearity, sib size effect, gender effectAbstract
The study focuses on identification of socioeconomic variables that determine the schooling achievements of children in Muslim households. The base of the study is a household survey-2009 of 354 Muslim households comprising of 1325 children residing in the three districts of Barak Valley of south Assam. The years of schooling completed by 159 Muslim children of age 19- 25 years in 159 households is the empirical base for the children’s educational attainment variable and is taken as the dependent one in the OLS regression model. The set of explanatory variables are selected carefully in conformity with the design of the study. The study finds higher schooling achievements of Muslim children in cases where father’s education level is high, household has higher level of assets and parents expect to continue to live with their male children after they marry in future. The study could not establish any gender link to educational attainments of children although gender bias appears to be there as latent in the mind of the parents since they are found to discriminate easily in favour of male children, be it in case of their desire to live in future with their married male children or in case of getting short run benefits from children in the form of help in farm/domestic work.
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