Searching for Fallacies in Performance Feedback and Appeal: A Grounded Theory Research in China


  • Jhony Choon Yeong Ng Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
  • Gu Li Dan. A Han Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China


Performance, Performance Appraisal, Performance Feedback, Appeal, Grounded Theory


Employees will usually appeal to the management when they are unsatisfied with the results of their performance appraisal. Hatred, or even intention for resignation, may result if the employees cannot receive satisfactory results for their appeals. Then, what should employees from all levels look out for during performance feedback and appeal? In this research, we conducted a grounded theory research. Based on the findings of our research, we found that: the attitudes of the managers are important, some managers and employees have contradicting attitudes toward performance feedback, and some employees are using appeal as a weapon. Based on the findings of our research, we discussed our recommendations for individual employees and the management of organizations.


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How to Cite

Jhony Choon Yeong Ng, & Gu Li Dan. A Han. (2022). Searching for Fallacies in Performance Feedback and Appeal: A Grounded Theory Research in China. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 6(3), 26–30. Retrieved from


