Policies, Rewards and Opportunities: Antecedents of Employee Retention


  • Rabia Asif Department of Management Sciences, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan,
  • Sabahat Nisar PhD Scholar, Lahore School of Accountancy and Finance, University of Lahore, Pakistan


Antecedents, good supervision and support, HR practices, opportunities, retention, work-life policies


Purpose: Human resources are the most dynamic resources of any organization. The importance of human resource signifies to attract and retain talented employees within the organization for long term. As, retention of skilled employees is linked with organizations success, this study aims at revealing the antecedents of employee’s retention by carefully analyzing the impact of various HR practices such as career development opportunities, work-life policies, good supervision, and rewards. Design/Methodology: To achieve at research outcomes, the data are collected using primary sources through self-administered questionnaire survey. While, multiple regression is employed to test research hypotheses regarding the relation between chosen antecedents and employee’s retention. Findings: This research is sought to determine those variables having noteworthy influence on employee’s retention. The research findings support the positive influence of rewards and work-life balance on employee’s retention while supervisor’s support and career opportunities do not promote employees retention in private schools in Pakistan. Limitations: The researcher is limited in scope as data are obtained from the teaching staff working in private schools from Lahore region. Further, other antecedents within the employee’s work-life may have specified impact on retention which must be incorporated in future research. Originality: Since, the academic staff at secondary school level plays an important role in influencing the moral character of the students, the job security would provide them with an edge to incorporate healthy practices in shaping students future life. The study contributes to the retention practices of private schools’ employees which will ensure a secured working environment leading to better performance.


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How to Cite

Rabia Asif, & Sabahat Nisar. (2022). Policies, Rewards and Opportunities: Antecedents of Employee Retention. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 13(1), 18–26. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/313


