Predictors of Effective Job Performance: An Empirical Examination through Employee-Related Factors
Emotional intelligence, employee creativity, employee learning orientation, employees goal orientation, job performance, proactive personalityAbstract
Purpose: This study investigates the effect of employee-related factors, that is, emotional intelligence, goal orientation, and learning orientation on employee performance using moderated mediation approach where proactive personality is moderator and creativity plays a mediator’s role. The purpose of this study is to identify the mediating effect of creativity on performance with self-related factors in such a way that their relationship is being moderated by moderator. Methodology: For hypothesis testing, researcher used multiple source of data collection, where data were collected from a sample of 162 employees working in telecommunication sector of Pakistan. Statistical techniques such as conformity factor analysis, EFA and mediation, and moderation using AMOS software were performed to test proposed theoretical model. Findings: Results indicate that emotional intelligence, goal orientation, and learning orientation have significant effect on employee performance, whereas creativity mediates the relationship of emotional intelligence, goal orientation, and learning orientation with employee job performance, while proactive personality moderates the relationships between independent and mediating variables. Implications: The study implies that top management should assign higher priority to employee performance by focusing more on employee’s level variables that are major contributor to their creativity. Originality: Till now, no researcher has reported such type of empirical study in Pakistani context. This study contributes to the present stock of knowledge and understanding of the subject by contextualizing the predictors of effective job performance in the Pakistani corporate sector.
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