Stress Management and Work Life Balance – A Study on Some Selected Banks in Nagaland, India
Stress, Bank employees, Stress management, work life balance, financial riskAbstract
Stress from a layperson’s perceptive, can be described as feeling tensed, anxious or worried. Stress can be a positive attribute if taken at the right proportion but if it starts to increase and a person is incapable to handle it, it will lead to the negative impact on the performance of an individual. Stress is present in every person and every situation; the only difference is the level of stress and the capability of an individual to withstand the stress. With the change in life style, the working environment and the development in various fields the level of stress is seen to be increasing. The level of stress is not same for all; it varies from place to place and person to person depending upon the situation. This study has been undertaken on the bank employees of some selected banks in the city Dimapur, in the Indian state of Nagaland to understand stress management and on work life balance. Bank employees have been taken as the target respondent for the purpose of this study as they have to confront huge financial risks on daily basis along with various customer dealings which makes their job challenging and stressful.
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(Date of access: 01/02/2015 @ 10.30 PM)