Work Efficiency Improvement for Employees In Project Department of Bangkok Dec-Con Public Co., Ltd
Employee satisfaction, Job Motivation, Construction IndustryAbstract
The research on work efficiency improvement for employees in project department of Bangkok Dec-Con Public Co., Ltd. was aimed at studying factors related to work efficiency of employees in project department of Bangkok Dec-Con Public Co., Ltd. Population of this study was 56 employees in project department of Bangkok Dec-Con Public Co., Ltd. Questionnaires were used as data collecting instrument; data was analyzed using Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation to explain demographic factors of questionnaire respondents and variables; Hypothesis test was conducted by applying T-test, F-test (One-way ANOVA) and Regression Analysis. The motivation factors affecting work efficiency of employees in project department of Bangkok Dec-Con Public Co., Ltd. at a medium level in overall. The highest level was work characteristic, work achievement, and supervisor and control respectively. Hypothesis test result showed that demographic factors including gender, education, monthly income, marital status, and work experience did not affect work efficiency. Motivation factors related to work efficiency of employees in project department of Bangkok Dec-Con Public Co., Ltd. in the aspect of progress showed Sig. value 0.015; while the aspect of acceptance had Sig. value of 0.05. Recommendation from the research was that the CEO should pay attention to confidence building for employees in order for them to see that capability, diligence, and being a good person can lead to their career development. CEO should listen to employees’ suggestions in policy making and administration. All these efforts shall result in increasing work efficiency of employees in project department of Bangkok Dec-Con Public Co., Ltd.
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