Determinants of Capital Structure of Select Edible Oil Firms in India
Capital structure, Tangibility, Growth, Size, Leverage, ProfitabilityAbstract
The study aims to examine and analyze the relationship between leverage and determinants of capital structure of selected edible oil firms in India. The study contains five years data of different variables from 2008-2013 of select edible oil firms. In order to achieve the objectives we applied few statistical tools such as hypothesis, Correlation and Regression analysis. It is concluded that all independent variables have significant impact on leverage except profitability. Profitability had negative impact on leverage. It concludes those firms Tangibility, Growth, Size have positive relationship with Leverage on other hand Profitability has a negative association with Leverage and other independent variables. The correlation analysis exists negative relationship between growth, size, and leverage with profitability. It indicates the company cannot generate funds. So it is suggested that determinants of capital structure must consider for decision making about capital structure and policy makers have to focus on dominants of capital structure.
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