Higher Education through Mobile Learning: An Analysis of Students from Kolkata


  • Jayanta Banerjee Assistant Professor, Bengal Institute of Business Studies 18B, Lake view Road , Kolkata-700029, West Bengal, India
  • Indranil Bose Assistant Professor, Aravali Institute of Management, Marwar Bhawan, Polo # 2, Paota, Jodhpur -342006,Rajasthan, India


Mobile phone, TRAI, Literacy level, M-learning, student perceptions, exploratory research


Technologies have significantly changed the transition mode and the way of delivery in education. From the traditional chalk and talk to the milticoloured PPT slides, from the shabby class rooms to the modern-Vsat classrooms. With the high penetration of mobile phones, yet another medium of delivering educational content have come to existence. The advancement in mobile networks, smart phones, 3-G technology and the privatization of the telecom sector have opened many avenues for mobile learning (M-learning). Some renowned universities have started or have made strategic partnerships with mobile service providers to start this type of services for their distance education department. IGNOU is to offer content on mobile phones for cyber law and software engineering. SNDT Women’s University has formed an alliance with Tata Teleservices for mobile education in rural communities and Karnataka’s Visvesaraya Technological University (VTU) is launching an e-learning platform via mobile phones. VTU has tied up with Nokia to deliver course content.

This paper attempts to analyse the M-learning environment and the student perceptions regarding such services by relevant exploratory research and by application of appropriate statistical techniques.


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How to Cite

Jayanta Banerjee, & Indranil Bose. (2011). Higher Education through Mobile Learning: An Analysis of Students from Kolkata. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2(1), 123–136. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/36


