A Study on Employees’ Engagement Level in Travel Organisations with Reference to Karnataka
Employee engagement, intellectual engagement, social engagement, affective engagement, travel organisationAbstract
India known for its diverse culture and tradition creates a great appeal for the tourists to visit the country, which leading to increased inflow of tourists year by year as a result the tourism industry is seeing a rapid growth from past few years. Travel organisations being one of the prime stakeholders in tourism industry plays an important role in promoting the destination to the tourist. Thereby, the employees working in travel organisations equally plays an important role as, it is through them the destination packages are created, promoted and sold to the tourist. Employees need to be efficient enough to create and sell good tour packages to the tourist. Employees’ efficiency level is greatly influenced by many factors, and one such factor is “employee engagement”. In the recent years, employee engagement is the most heard word across different industries in all parts of the world and organisations are doing intense research in their companies to measure and understand the engagement level of employees, it is also an evolving topic in academic research; however research on employee engagement especially in travel organisations with reference to India is very limited. Thus, this study aims in measuring employees’ engagement level in travel organisations and also aims in determining whether engagement level differs among demographic factors such as gender, age and tenure of the employees’.
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