Analysis of Service Quality as A Measure of Customer Loyalty with Marketing Spiritualization as An Intervening Variable (Empirical Study on Cv. Al-Muntaha Record Sragen)
quality of service, marketing spiritualization, customer loyaltyAbstract
This research was purpose to know service quality as a measure of customer loyalty with marketing spiritualization as an intervening variable.The data was collected from 100 respondents of customers who bought VCDs at CV. AL-Muntaha record Sragen Indonesia, by using accidental sampling method. It was analyzed using research instruments, the validity and the reliability, the hypothesis test used a path analysis, F test, t test, determination coefficient (R2) and linear test.
The research result showed that 1) tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, Assurance, and empathy had influence positive on marketing spiritualization, 2) tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, Assurance, and empathy influence positive on loyalty, 3) F test showed a tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, Assurance, and empathy variable simultaneously had significant influence on marketing spiritualization and loyalty, 4) the coefficient determination of the first simultaneously was 90.8%, meaning customer loyalty explained tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, Assurance, empathy and marketing spiritualization while the remaining 9.2% was explained by other variables are involved in regression model such as promotion and product, 5) path analysis showed that direct effect of empathy had dominant influence on customer loyalty. Marketing spiritualization intervening variable was used in order to improve the loyalty for tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, Assurance, empathy variable, making it ineffective.
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