Analysis of Training Needs Assessment and Implementation – A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks
Training, Purposes, TNA, Design and implementation, Public and Private sector banks, Differential changesAbstract
Every banker understands the importance of training programs. Training contributes quite a huge part to the growth of a bank. Banker believes that giving emphasis on training is the best way to improve productivity. But, training without its corresponding analysis is still deemed useless. An assessment of the training program is still needed to actualize increase in productivity. Therefore, training needs assessment is used to determine whether training is the right solution to a workplace problem. There are several reasons why an employee needs training. One of them is that there is a need for employees to be updated with the latest development in their banking industry. Learning is a continuous process, and even if employees are the best, they still need to refresh and update themselves with the latest technologies and trends. Banks use training to improve the ability of their employees for customer satisfaction as a primary goal. Thus, banks try hard to address customer needs. In connection with the above lines, this paper aims to investigate the differential changes across public and private sector banks in their purposes of conducting training, basis for training needs identification and design and implementation of training programmes.
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