An Exploratory Study on Malaysian Consumer’s Purchase Intention: Brand, Quality and Price Perspective
Malaysian Consumers’, Brand, Price, QualityAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to find out the important determinants that are influencing consumers’ purchase intention under the perspective of brand, quality and price. This study also highlighted some propositions to guide future empirical research. The survey instruments were employed on 300 multiethnic (Malay, Chinese, and Indian) customers’ from Klang Valley area in Malaysia by following convenience sampling method. To test the hypothesis for the proposed model Multiple Regression were applied. Except price the coefficients of all explanatory variables are statistically significant and exhibit their expected signs. It was found that the Malaysian customer’s purchase the products that are in high brand name and quality category. It is hoped that the findings of this study may assist the national and multinational companies in terms of production and promotion of their goods and services. So the national or multinational companies can minimize the chances of losing existing and potential customers’ which will help them for achieving competitive advantage in the market place. This research used convenience sampling procedure which is the main limitation of this research. Future research has suggested using stratified random sampling procedure with more samples. The added value of this paper is to link between theory and practice by exploring the significant factors that are influencing Malaysian customers’ perception to choice any products from the marketplace.
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