A Study on Socio-Economic Background of Women Small & Medium Entrepreneurs in Andhra Pradesh (A Case Study of Costal Andhra Pradesh)


  • Dr. P. V. V. Satyanarayan Director & Associate Professor, V. S. Lakshmi Institute of Computer Application and Management Studies for Women , NFCL Road, Kakinada India.


Women entrepreneurs, Self-employment, Socio-economic


Women were the first humans to taste bondage.  She was a slave before slavery existed. Inferiority can largely be attributed to her sexual peculiarities.  Man has always played the role of a Lord; as a result his physical and mental development took place at a good pace befitting his occupation and field of interest.  On the contrary, the overall growth of women remained stunted.  By sheer custom, even the most ignorant men have been enjoying superiority over women, which they do not deserve.  Women were denied the benefit of education.  They had no opportunities to develop their natural capacities and became helpless, illiterate, narrow mined and peevish.  Of the world’s one billion illiterate adults, two-third is women. In recent years, economically, women have been making progress, but still men enjoy a larger share of the cake.  In India although women constitute approximately 50 per cent of the total population, entrepreneurial world is still a male dominated one


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How to Cite

Dr. P. V. V. Satyanarayan. (2011). A Study on Socio-Economic Background of Women Small & Medium Entrepreneurs in Andhra Pradesh (A Case Study of Costal Andhra Pradesh). Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2(5), 45–54. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/394


