Effectiveness of entrepreneurship skill development training – A case study at RUDSETI in Chitradurga District, Karnataka


  • Chethan, Ramesh L Department of Commerce,Government First Grade College, Holalkere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India-577526


Entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, RUDSET, skill development training


Purpose: The main aim of the study is to examine the benefit in future to the trainees about the entrepreneurship skill
development training provided by RUDSET, evaluate the confidence level of trainees after entrepreneurship skill
development training provided by RUDSET, examine the satisfaction level of the trainees for the method of entrepreneurship
skill development training provided by RUDSET and ascertain the amount of practical knowledge acquisition after
entrepreneurship skill development training provided by RUDSET. Methodology: Structured questionnaire method was
used to collect primary data from trainees of the RUDSET institute Chitradurga by the usage of 4 -point scale to measure
the usefulness of RUDSET training in future, satisfaction level of training about method of training provided by RUDSET,
and amount of practical knowledge acquisition after this entrepreneurship training. Snowball sampling method was used
to collect the data and t-test was applied to analyze data, Findings: The one sample t-test analysis result shows that there
is a significant support in future to the trainees of RUDSET as well as there is a highly positive satisfaction of the trainees
for the method of entrepreneurship training provided by it. Implications: The study implies that after completion of this
training majority of the trainees enhance their confidence level to start their own enterprise without depending on others.
Originality: Till now, very few research works have been conducted related to the entrepreneurship training provided by it.


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How to Cite

Chethan, Ramesh L. (2021). Effectiveness of entrepreneurship skill development training – A case study at RUDSETI in Chitradurga District, Karnataka. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 11(3), 23–29. Retrieved from https://ijcms.in/index.php/ijcms/article/view/40


