National Culture and Team Role Preference: A Case of Pakistan


  • Ibn-e-Hassan PhD Scholar, Faculty of Management and HRD, Universiti Technologi Malaysia, 81301, Malaysia Assistant professor, COMSATS Institute of IT, Vehari Campus, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Shakil Ahmad PhD Scholar, Faculty of Management and HRD, Universiti Technologi Malaysia, 81301, Malaysia Lecturer, COMSATS Institute of IT, Attock Campus, 43600, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Jawad Iqbal PhD Scholar, Faculty of Management and HRD, Universiti Technologi Malaysia, Malaysia


Team Role, Belbin Team roles, Culture, Pakistan


The subject of Project Management has influenced the various fields of study including Development Sciences and Engineering Sciences. The researchers, academicians and practitioners have shown their curiosity and concerns about the challenges faced by the mainstream Project Management’s Concepts and tools. A consensus has developed to build the field from its current conceptual base to more practical oriented theory. The purpose of this research was two fold, firstly; to apply the Belbin Team Role Self Perception Inventory (BTRSPI) to the teams of Pakistan (graduate students) in order to investigate about the most emerging/preferred, (primary) team roles of the graduate students who were intended to serve various national and international companies, secondly; to ascertain the relationship between the team roles and culture of country. The result of the study validated most of the findings of Belbin (1981);Fisher et al (1998 ) and Dulewicz (1995). It was observed that among other factors, national culture influences the team role selection. The culture theory of Hofstede (1991) and Khilji (1999) elaborated the cultural reasons for the selection of the roles of coordinator, implementer, shaper and team workers in the context of Pakistani culture. It was also deliberated in the cultural context that why there are not more “Plants” roles in the student’s project teams in this country. It is very basic research aiming at drawing the attention of the academicians and practitioners to this particular topic.


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How to Cite

Ibn-e-Hassan, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, & Muhammad Jawad Iqbal. (2011). National Culture and Team Role Preference: A Case of Pakistan. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2(6), 31–39. Retrieved from


