A Study of Customers Opinion about Loans and Advances in Commercial Banks in Sivakasi
Customer Opinion, Loans and Advances, Banking services and Commercial BanksAbstract
Banking occupies one of the most important positions in the modern economic world. It is necessary for trade and industry. Hence it is one of the great agencies of commerce. Bank lending is one of the primary functions of commercial banks. Realizing the importance of the role of the banks in economic development, particularly financial assistance initiatives to serve the nation better. Although the bank's assistance plans are based on poverty reduction strategy and economic situation. This study is qualitative in nature which examines different objectives which determine the opinion of the customers towards loans and advances in commercial banks in sivakasi. It also discusses the effect of customers’ literacy on provision of services from banks’ point of view.
The results show that Customer perception is significantly differing among the factors of loans and advances. The income level significantly associated with borrowing loan. For banks, Economic point of view the bank should more concentrate on lending loan to SSI and Agriculture sector. The bank may offer toll free numbers to clarify the customer query regarding loans and advances because most of the customers get the guidance physically from the bank staffs.
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