Role of Personal and Organizational Factors in the Usage of Technology Enabled Services in Banks- A Study among the Selected Customers in Chennai
Security issues, Trust factor, Availability, User friendly products, Service qualityAbstract
Today computers are used extensively for data storage, computation and communication. Information technology is concerned with computation and communications. Internet offers new opportunities to both consumers and producers of information in business transactions. In the five decades since independence, banking in India has evolved through Traditionalphase, (1786-1969), Nationalaizationphase (1969-1980), Post Nationalaizationphase (1980-1991), Reform phase (from 1991). During Fourth phase, also called as Reform Phase, Recommendations of the Narasimhan Committee (1991) paved the way for the reform phase in the banking. Important initiatives with regard to the reform of the banking system were taken in this phase. Entry of new banks resulted in a paradigm shift in the ways of banking in India. The present study has adopted both descriptive and analytical methodologies. The descriptive methodology has been focused on review in the literary evidences that are available through external and internal sources. The primary aim of the study is to find out the reasons and problems in availing the technology enabled services among the customers in Chennai city.
Based on the Results discussion, it is found that, the need of the hour is to create the wide publicity on technology enabled services usage and advantages, making sufficient and customer friendly technology enabled services at different points to avail with ease and access the same. This further gives ignition to financial services industry growth. The burning issue here is finance is closely associated with trust factor. No manhandling in financial matters sometimes leads to misusage of services and using the technology for anti-social activities too is a concern. By fixing a specific target strategy and reviewing on the issues from time to time can bring a lot of change in the usage patterns of the technology enabled services in banks in the years to come..
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