Role of Microcredit in Economic Empowerment and Social Welfare of Women- An Empirical Study of SHG Members in West-Tripura District


  • Sankharaj Roy Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, ICFAI University Tripura, Kamalghat, Mohanpur, Agartala, Tripura, India.


Microfinance, Poverty alleviation, Women Empowerment, Social Welfare, Self Help Group


Microfinance started with the noble cause of empowering rural destitute people with petty credit to start their own small business which will help them to come out of the clutches of poverty. Based on different case studies conducted in developing countries, microfinance has been found to be a reliable and effective way of empowering the poor, most especially women, while also increasing their level of participation in the national economy.

Microfinance institutions have targeted one of the most vulnerable groups who are being deprived of their economic and social status in the society. These women are empowered by giving micro credit which in turn increases their opportunities for self-employment, autonomy, decision making role, living standards within the household.

The present study has investigated the impact assessment of micro finance on some parameters of poverty alleviation & economic empowerment of self-help group members, the extent to which these programs helped self-help groups members as borrowers to meet their credit needs by  taking petty loans from micro finance institutions particularly Bandhan in the West Tripura district of Tripura.

The analysis of data shows that microfinance has a positive impact on improving the living standards thus reducing poverty at the same time empowering women in their household decision making related to consumption, expenditure & financial matters.


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How to Cite

Sankharaj Roy. (2022). Role of Microcredit in Economic Empowerment and Social Welfare of Women- An Empirical Study of SHG Members in West-Tripura District. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 5(1(1), 39–46. Retrieved from


