Effect of Monetary Incentives in Higher Education
Job satisfaction, higher education, monetary incentives, pay scalesAbstract
This paper is an attempt of evaluation the effect of monetary and non-monetary incentives on the level of job satisfaction of professors working in the Colleges affiliated University of Pune. It is attempt to know the effect of 6th pay commission on the level of job satisfaction of professors. For this study sample comprised of 50 professors with 38 male and 12 female 5 Colleges from nonurban area affiliated to Pune University. The analysis reveals that that the factors job security, relationship with principal, pay scale, work itself and career advancement opportunities are increasing job satisfaction level of professors and the factors opportunities to use skills and abilities, feeling safe in the work environment and variety of work are the factors require more attention to increase level of job satisfaction. The overall job satisfaction considering all the factors monetary and nonmonetary is moderate.
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